To Win The Xtreme Site Award Your Site Must Comply With The Following:
-Doesn't have to be a wrestling/Amy Dumas site
-Has to have at least 5 pages
-You have to link my site (I will be checking!)
-You must sign the guestbook (Again, I will check)
-Your site can have up to 3 spelling errors
-Your site can have up to 3 broken links

To Win Site Of The Month, Your Site Must Comply With The Following:
-Doesn't have to be a wrestling/site (anything except porn or Anti-Lita/Hardy Boyz sites or really any anti-sites)
-Has to have at least 15 pages
-Your site must have a link to this one somewhere on the page(I will especially be checking this and the next requirement)
-You must have signed the guestbook
-You can have no spelling errors or broken links(sorry, but this is site of the month, I have to be picky!)